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European Big Data Value Forum 2020


DIH4INDUSTRY: the AI DIH Network for the Manufacturing Industry

In the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027 of the EC, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the three main technological pillars of the Digital Europe Program (see the AI Data and Robotics Partnership website). In the Spirit of Digitising European Industry communication of 2016 and with the major aim to support SMEs in their Digital Transformation pathways, Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) initiatives have been created on a regional basis and have followed recently a very prosperous evolution in H2020 and in the EC Catalogue. The recent EC Data Strategy has finally identified in the (smart) Manufacturing Industry (SMI) one of its nine main vital economic sectors where to materialize the EU Data Economy model.


The session will host leading edge experts and organizations that in the recent years have contributed to the independent success of the three domains (AI, DIH, SMI), striving to achieve a common scientific, technological, business and social ground from where to develop the coming MFF in the next seven years.


The session aims at defining the state of play, identifying opportunities and challenges and finally envisaging lessons learned and recommendations for a full deployment and adoption of AI applications in the SMI and in particular in its SMEs through dedicated DIHs Networks.


Sergio Gusmeroli (Parallel session chair) Research Coordinator, Project Manager of the AI REGIO project, Politecnico di Milano
Sabine Hafner-Zimmermann (Parallel session chair) Senior Project Manager, AI REGIO (Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum)
Giovanna Galasso (Speaker) Director, Pwc
Angelo Marguglio (Speaker) Research Area Manager and Head of the "Smart Industry and Agrifood" Unit, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Spa
Helena Rodrigues (Speaker) Programme Officer, European Commission
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